
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon - Movie Review Example Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon From the Chinese cultural perspective, the theme of enlightenment refers to the empowerment and mastery into many realms, and in the context of this film, it involves detaching human attachments and achieving emptiness. This theme manifests through the two main characters of Li. The film contrasts the reality of human attachments and its significance in life with that of the emptiness which can lead to enlightenment. That is, the film views the human life as an illusion and detachment as the ultimate way to enlightenment. In the film, Li mentions his attachment to the world as an illusion thereby implying the need for emptiness for attaining the real enlightenment. According to this concept of emptiness, once a person is able to see or feel nothing of the world, then he/she can truly possess the things that are real, which would pave the way for enlightenment. This concept is similarly focused in the film, The Matrix, which represents enlightenment in a modern sci-fi dimension. The f ilm relies on the doctrine of Sunyata, or emptiness, which means everything in the world undergo constant suffering and so breaking free from it facilitates the soul to become enlightened. The director gracefully features the theme of love and even embraces a gentle romantic humanism as a result of failing emptiness. Although, as above-discussed emptiness can lead to enlightenment, when there are love feelings or attachments then emptiness is not possible thereby impeding enlightenment as well.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Social Factors Affecting HRM

Social Factors Affecting HRM HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Social Factors Influencing Human Resource Management and Planning The human resource management is heavily affected by the internal and external influences on an organisation. To figure out as to what extent the external factors affect the human resources, one of the prominent external features out of these are social factors. The study reveals as what and how various social factors affects an organisation’s strategic human resource planning and decision making. The study on various articles include social factors such as: worker unions at workplace, minorities, social status, uniform or dressing, social mobility and quality of life affects human resource practices. Health and safety, job security, the privacy of employees, the roles of different sex, rights of gay or lesbian etc. affect the different aspects of HRM. Human resource planning and management helps in assuring employee rights, providing equal benefits for gay or lesbian employees, rewards and recognition policy for staff. Creating healthy working environment for all, abuse or ra cism free working culture, managing different sex at workplace. (Stone, 2010). The study also focuses on how the changing values and attitude of the staff poses new challenges for the human resource. These external influences must be efficiently identified by the HR managers and then adequate planning and management must be done in accordance with these factors to provide a safe, sound, secure and healthy environment for the employees. The motivation behind this examination is to focus the scope of working environment considers that impact worker view of their workplace as what is casually alluded to as a fun work environment. Social holding is subsidiary of positive social practices that are characterized by methodology instead of withdrawal or evasion sort practices. (Curtis Upchurch, 2008). The social aspects of work environment leads to employee turnover such as hotel size, rating etc. and it also leads to the productivity of employee turnover (Brien, Hussein, Thomas, 2013). The article suggests that retention is important for job satisfaction. Work fulfilment turned into a noteworthy develop that encourages strength predominantly by diminishing turnover. Also, fulfilled workers attempt endeavour to end up capable at what they do, build their loyalty to the association and serve clients in a more productive way. (Israeli Barkan, 2003). â€Å"Employee’s behaviour assessment, which is based on indust rial settings, should be reconfigured in order to suit the tourism and hospitality sector as well as imply the indicators of the customer–employee relation within the assessment†, as said by Saad (2013, p. 341). The study highlights the importance of HR and trade unions to enhance the productivity, protection and the employee welfare, preserving jobs (Daemone, 2014).It also tells how trade unions working with human resources helps in providing excellent working environment, practising labour laws and preserve rights of employee (Boardman Barbato, 2008). This study tells the factors that influence the labour turnover in an organisation and also attempts to review as how employee turnover, employment factors, and employee satisfaction are linked. It provides the framework that explains the relationship between job satisfaction and the employee satisfaction in terms of service quality and customer loyalty (AlBattat, Mat Son, Helalat, 2014).Management strategies that enhances different individuals with the internal control locus might increase on one’s job satisfaction since strengthening is harmonious with the workers interior locus convictions that they have control over their own behaviour. It also emphasis on the relationship between employee job locus and their job satisfaction (Salazar, Hubbard, Salazar, 2002). The research (AlHrout Mohamed, 2014) analysed the behaviour i.e. employee- employer relationship, of the employees in a hospitality industry in general and the front-line staff’s behaviour is linked to hotel’s business and can improve the quality of the services rendered by them. The social external factors (Ongori, Iravo, Munene, 2013) not only provide ultimate employee satisfaction but also provides various opportunities in career that has important effect on employee morale and motivation, also these factors that generally affect an employee motivation are family relations and job commitment, that are witnessed prominently in city and coastal hotels whereas reward factor is more effective in city hotels, it isn’t that effective in the coastal hotels (Kingir Mesci, 2010). According to Cheung, Baum and Wong (2010), the comprehension of strengthening by hotel administrators in China identifies with the degree to which the responsible directors or the managers have individual trust for the employees. This study also tells about the commitment of the staff to devolve responsibilities of HR across all the employees and offers significant ramifications for worldwide hotel organizations wanting to situate in a desired location and looking to apply the established strengthening and empowerment approaches inside the hotels of that location (Fleming, 2000).The study yields results that HRM practices arbitrate the uniting of business strategy and employee outcomes. Also the collective effects of business strategies and human resource practices on the workers in MNCs are not much different from the ones that are carried out in hotel organizations (The impact of strategic human resource management on employee outcomes in private and public limited comapanies in Ma laysia, 2013). The study in New Zealand shows at least 22% people work 50 hours a week and this is a great example to signify the workplace as an appropriate environment to promote the health and wellbeing of working class. The work environment acts crucially in the advertisement of health and supporting health conditions with joy of work. Also the workplace programmes, management support helps in establishing their employees feel that their employer is committed to their health and wellbeing (A guide to promoting health and wellness in the workplace, 2012).The understanding of the employee attitudes and their effect on the business results are furthermore complicated in yesteryears by the new era of service workers. The initial analysis of data from the researcher’s study of generation’s differences in employee attitudes yields that there are still major differences in all, but only one key work-related behaviour (Health and safety for hospitality small business, 2002). The same has been agreed by Solnet and Kralj (2011). The article records out issues which influence the adequacy and proficiency of a human resource planning and administration in an association. Among the ranges in this talk are, planning; progression learning; maturing workforce; devotion; expanding number of female employers; uncertain sets of expectations and determinations; debilitated specialists, proactive employers; slow learners; and aptitude inadequacies of the workforce (Gopalakrishnan, 2012).The need of understanding the human resources is to make it effective in workplace, to share the values amongst the staff. The HRM is used as a term that helps in enclosing various human resource practices such as recruiting, training, directing human resource policies and embracing the HR philosophies amongst the workforce (Jackson Schuler, 1995). Social security, that deals with the health and safety of the employees. The management decision effects the employees and it is the responsibility under HR practices of providing a safe a secure environment, as talked about the Iranian hotels in the article (Tabibi, Khah, Nariripour, Vahdat, Hessam, 2011).The rights of the employee are important and sensitive in a workplace. The article talks about the key points of record keeping of employees and the use of biometrics. As how the employee record and information are kept secret and how biometric has become a significant tool in roster planning and payroll (Babu, 2007).The article emphasis on the employee attitudes in attaining ultimate job satisfaction. It basically talks about the causes of employee behaviour, the outcomes of positive or the negative job satisfaction, and how to record and effect employee attitudes. Also it is talked about as how to close these gaps in employee demand and job satisfaction (Saari Judge, 2004).The article states that how HR practices may lead to firm growth rate. The practices that may lead to the firm growth rate are a job security, management’s selective hiring, a self-driven teams, remuneration policy, the rigorous training with the staff and the flow of information sharing (Vlachos, 2009). Various studies refers to an imbalanced distribution of the income between male and female employees in the hotels and hospitality industry, with the earnings of females are less than the males. In various developing countries, women are less empowered in comparison to males, due to the visible and invisible challenges. These factors often reflect in hiring, recruitment, promotions etc. (K, Musa, Ibrahim, 2010). As quickly talked about above with the backing of distinctive scholarly and expert diary articles the paper finishes up by depicting how all the outside social compelling components influence the hotel’s key human asset administration arranging. The paper covers the variables, for example, work fulfilment which is specifically proportionate to the view of individual workers with respect to their occupations which straightforwardly impacts the lodgings worker turnover. It is comprehended that to hold a representative and to keep them fulfilled by their occupation and workplace, the worker should be spurred through distinctive means. The articles studied connects certain elements, the preparation and advancement of individual staff individuals in their territories of interest. Their general wellbeing, security and employer stability with the inspiration of staff and their maintenance to the employment and the hotel organizations. The human resources li kewise differentiates strategies, for example, rewards or recognitions that may be in monetary terms related or others as said above helps boosting the morale and in the ultimate staff satisfaction. The administration and representative’s helps in supervising and the execution of work laws and to reach an agreement between the management and trade unions that provides an excellent workplace. This also helps in providing equal opportunities are given to all genders, prominently gay and lesbians. Works Cited A guide to promoting health and wellness in the workplace. (2012, December). 1-5. AlBattat, A. R., Mat Son, A. P., Helalat, A. S. (2014, Febuary). Higher dissatisfaction higer turnover in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 4(2), 45-50. Retrieved June 14, 2015, from http://hrmars.com/hrmars_papers/Higher_Dissatisfaction_Higher_Turnover_in_the_Hospitality_Industry.pdf AlHrout, S. A., Mohamed, B. (2014). Human resource management practice tourism and hotel industry. SHS Web of Conferences, 12, 2-11. Retrieved June 19, 2015, from http://journal-archieves31.webs.com/897-928.pdf Babu, T. (2007). 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Friday, October 25, 2019

family culture Essay -- essays research, family values

Often times when we hear the word culture, we think of the differences of different countries. That statement may be true; however, there are different cultures within the same country, even within the same city. No matter what culture we call our own, there are distinct differences between that of other cultures around us. One of the major differences occurs in the realm of family; family affection to be more specific. When talking about family affection, we should consider many different aspects. It was my task and privilege to explore these aspects. I consider myself having a strong American culture. My family has been here for many years and has adopted the â€Å"American Way†. After being born and raised in Wisconsin, I now spend my summers in Hawaii with my relatives. Despite my being away from my family for the summers, my family and I are very close to all of our relatives, and family affection is a daily occurrence. I recently interviewed Teresa Tran, a student at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. Teresa was born and raised in Minnesota â€Å"after [her] parents emigrated from Vietnam. When [her] parents came to the United States, they brought with them their Vietnamese culture. [She] grew up in a culture mixed with mainly Vietnamese and some American from [her] surroundings.† Even though we have different cultures, we have both differences and similarities in our family affection. The first aspect that I explored was by which medians affection is portrayed in the family. When looking at my own culture, my family and I show affection verbally, through gestures and through voice tones. For example, every night before I go to bed, I give both of my parents hugs, and occasionally kisses, and I always tell them that I love them. As far as tonal affection goes, by not raising our voices at one another we are showing affection in a small way. We still fight, but instead of yelling, we choose words carefully and try to show our point of view without putting down the other person. One last way that we show affection is simply by remembering important dates, like mothers’ day, fathers’ day, birthdays, and anniversaries. Teresa’s Culture differs very much from my own when comparing family affection. The differences come in all of the medians in which to show affection. â€Å"Affection towards my family members is rare,† says Teresa, which is t he biggest differ... ...through hugs and kisses and so on. I think as long as you know that you care about each other, it is enough. So I guess my family ‘affection’ does not fit in to society’s view of what affection should be.† Family affection is a big difference throughout cultures. The many aspects of affection, how it is shown, how people react, public versus private, face value, family versus friends, and family versus society, account for the many differences that are present. No matter what the differences are, I believe that each family member knows that they care about each other and are cared for themselves. I believe that my relationship with my family is excellent. I love them all very much and I let them know it time and time again. However, people do not have to be a part of my culture to feel as I do. Take Teresa for example. Our cultures are very different, but in the end, it comes down to how you feel about your family and how your family feels about you. As for Teresa, â€Å"My relationship with my family is very good. We have our own privacy yet know that we have each other. We make each other laugh, scream, sometimes swear, and even throw tantrums. However, in the end, we are happy.â₠¬ 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The diversity of religions is another argument

Personally, I find the Halls’ arguments convincing, maybe because they are consistent with my previous experience. My opinion is that science is a more reliable way of exploring the world. Its advantage is that there is only one science with the scientific method universally recognized in all or most parts of the globe, whereas the marginalization of different parts of society often occurs because there are different religions and people follow different views.The diversity of religions is another argument why science as a universal world outlook should take precedence before it.The scientific method seems to be a far more reliable method of exploring the world. It is based on observations, not some obscure revelations of prophets and messengers from God, and the scientist is expected to be thorough and honest in documenting the outcomes of the experiment. Of course, there is also room for the construction of hypotheses that come arbitrarily out of somebody’s mind, but these have to be substantiated with factual evidence in order to become valid knowledge.Presupposition of the existence of some kind of transnatural forces will inevitably mar the investigation of scientific facts because it leaves too much space to issues that arbitrarily affect the results of the investigation. Some people can object to the scientific method because they think it will leave the world very dry and boring.People have to understand that this mystical view of the world can leave it unexplored because consideration of issuers irrelevant to the process will have to become part of it.2. The essay by Edwin A. Locke does include ideas that merit attention. However, it sounds too supremacist with regard to other nations.The problem with identifying the success of the West with its more sound ideology lies in the fact that it many factors contributed to the prominence of the West. Some would say that it simply managed to rise ahead of other states, suppressing them with colo nialist policies. That other nations did not embrace technology often means that they had poor access to it.Robert Wright in his essay takes a different viewpoint. He critically assesses the notion of ‘manifest destiny’ for America that supports the idea of its greatness. Besides, he advocates that ethnocentrism is actually wrong for America because it conflicts with multiculturalism that permits peaceful coexistence of all people in the same land. International relations can also profit if American stop asserting their superiority and turn a more open eye toward other nations.3.   Lukacs believed that the dominate ideology of the 20th century was nationalism. Alliance between people on the basis of nations proved to be more powerful than affinity that was based on class as the one assumed Marxists.Lukacs argues that people were swept by nationalist feelings that outstripped other ideological quirks such as Communism. The Cold War was, in the opinion of Lukacs, protra cted because of the persisting anti-Communism embraced by many in the West. In Lukacs’ view, this is a spontaneous, often irrational feeling that surfaces only within the bourgeoisie, but also among workers themselves.The main reason for its existence is the desire of respectability. His criticisms can also be applied to anti-terrorism rampant today, a feeling that also leads to oversimplification and overstatement of the challenge – for example, manifested in the proneness to blame the whole Muslim world for the acts.The author identifies problems with the dissolution of the empires with the rise of nationalist feelings in these areas, spurred on by masses and desire of local officials to become leaders of new states.Nationalistic feelings also fuel wars for independence that occurred in the colonial world in the 20th century where the people sought to throw off the yoke of foreign powers, not necessarily for the benefit of their own nation. The state in Lucacsâ€℠¢ perception is the political entity that is formally constructed: for instance, the Soviet state was dominated by one party. The nation, on the other hand, is more easily identifiable with people.4. Fundamentalism is going to be one of the key issues that dominate American politics and the national policy-making worldwide. It represents the trend to address religious texts for guidance on all historic events, a road map to success and an accurate prediction of future events if humans interpret it correctly.This tradition leads people to interpret modern history in apocalyptic terms, viewing the world as a battlefield between the Christ and the Anti-Christ. This can lead to the inclination to discard all technological innovations because the Satan is expected to make use of them in order to take control of the earth. Moreover, people will expect the second coming of the Christ.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dead Poets Society †Responsibility Essay

Exposition – Dead Poet’s Society Neil’s suicide was more his father’s fault than that of Keating. Do you agree or disagree? The movie ‘Dead Poet’s Society’ produced in 1989 by Peter Weir unfolds many perception of life during the 1950’s. The Welton Academy, the place where the movie was filmed, sets a great example as it articulates the regimented life of numerous male students who suffer from pressure, lack of freedom, and high expectations of their parents and teachers. Many of these adolescent boys are considered rebellious instead of subsequent, for taking risks. However, the roles of these students are fundamental as they show the existing individualism throughout the movie. The students also show existing individualism through the encounters that they had with one another, with their parents and with the school staff. However, if individualism is taken to its extent, things can either go right or for instance, Neil’s suicide; it can also go horribly wrong. But moving on to the topic, Yes, Neil’s death was a tragedy, many people believe only himself was held responsible. But if you look at the greater depth of the movie, there are other reasons why Neil chose to end his life. And if there is anything to blame for Neil’s death, there are strong possibilities that Neil’s father and Mr Keating are highly responsible. Who do you think is responsible for Neil’s death? Mr Perry, Neil’s dad, a traditional, persuasive, strict father who requires high expectation of his son or Mr Keating, Neil’s charismatic and inspirational teacher, the one who opened the students mind? Mr Perry can be blamed constantly of Neilâ⠂¬â„¢s suicide if Neil’s death was based on, basically, the lack of freedom Neil had during the time when he was still living. Mr Perry is a very traditional father who has high expectations of his son and just like any typical father in the film, he is forceful and aggressive towards his son’s educational life. He is extremely domineering and believes that deciding for his son was the best idea. It was a tough challenge for Neil to get along with his father as he couldn’t overcome the difficult relationship he had with his father. One example would be when Neil decided to change his father’s will of him doing a career in medicine and alternatively, he chose to follow his dreams and do a career in performing arts. However, Mr Perry showed atrocious response in what Neil has done. Neil’s performance was rather aggravating than delighting to him. Mr Perry insisted to do nothing but decide for his son. Neil, thinking he’s had enough, stood for himself  and tried to communicate with his father to tell him his own perspective. However, the traumatized boy who’s stuck in agony was unable to do so. Neil believed that there was no way out of this horrendous imprisoned-life so his overall choice was to end everything by pull of a trigger. It was the only way for Neil to show independence to his father, the only way to show that he’s seizing the day. Mr Perry, who was unable to understand the state of event, was horrified†¦but if he listened and communicated properly with Neil†¦Neil would still probably, be breathing. Though there was no precise reason of Mr Keating getting involved with Neil’s suicide, Mr Keating was also, somehow, blamed for Neil’s death. Many audience of the film believe that Mr Keating did not present his philosophy of life clearly therefore causing the boys to interpret it incorrectly. This might’ve been during the time he opened his student’s mind and filled them with hopes and dreams, or the time when he told them to look at things in a different way, or the time when he told them to enjoy life to the fullest (ak a Carpe Diem; Seize the day). Though, he encouraged his pupils to stand up for themselves, to be independent, he also pushed them away from conforming to the school’s policy. One boundless example of Mr Keating’s inspiration, through the way he teaches the boys, was when he told them to rip out the introduction page of the poetry books. As he wanted them to gain the ability to have their own response, to build their own belief of what poetry is all about. And throughout the movie, Mr Keating would constantly tell his students to ‘Seize the day!’ though, he meant to live life to the fullest, he did not theoretically mean to suicide. Unknowingly, Mr Keating taught his students, the opposite message he was trying to get to them. Overall, the majority of reasons for Neil’s suicide was caused by Mr Perry, though Mr Keating can also be blamed as he lacked of explanation in his inspirational words to the boys, if he had explained his theory properly to his students, then they would†™ve fully understood including the consequences it would bring. However, it is Mr Perry that has caused extreme destruction in Neil’s identity. Even from the start, Neil and his dad never had a proper father-and-son relationship. Mr Perry never gave Neil a chance to do something he wanted to do, instead he was eager of controlling his son’s life. He treated Neil like as if his son was imprisoned, no freedom, no choice and he was full of restrictions against his son.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Why Planning Less Will Boost Productivity

Why Planning Less Will Boost Productivity It might be  a tricky thing to do in our world of overloaded, double-stuffed, triple-stacked offerings, but according to David Caolo at Unclutterer.com, the best way to give yourself some breathing room and actually boost your productivity is to plan to get less done. That’s right- under-schedule, and you’ll likely over-deliver. Having recently found myself in a 3 month stretch of hyper-scheduled workload-excess, I can relate. If I plan to get two things done a day, I can accomplish them and add on a bonus ask. If I have to get through 4 things before I can go to bed, anything that distracts me or comes up more urgently may derail my whole day.Start by planning the night before- ask yourself, â€Å"What should I work on first?† as you get ready for bed, so by the time you’re back at your desk, you’re ready to go.Even better, Caolo suggests not scheduling anything for the last hour of your day. This leaves you free to handle things that come up, it lets you tie up projects that are taking too much time, and allows you to sort through email and last-minute requests for the next day. I love to send a recap email or handle all my administrative tasks at the end of the day. It’s soothing- and frees up my first hour for urgent things instead of the slow, sometimes tedious wind up.See what happens if you pull the plug on the auto-scheduler and under-do it for a change- you may be surprised how much you can get done!Build a Time Buffer Into Your Schedule

Monday, October 21, 2019

Ethics Essays

Ethics Essays Ethics Essay Ethics Essay When an attorney agrees to represent a client the attorney and the client create a responsibility of confidentiality. This is so that the client can feel free to speak about all the facts of the case with the lawyer without fear of repercussion. After the case Is over this responsibility of confidentiality does not end. Is as if we would say that after a patient walks out of the doctors office the doctor is now able to talk about the patients health problems freely with others. In order for an attorney to speak about influences of a client in a book an attorney must be granted consent by the client and or the identity of the client nor anything that Identifies a client can be directed in the book towards the true client. 2. If I lived In a Jurisdiction that followed the model rules of professional conduct, It would be my ethical duty to report the probability of this client harming his sister. It is the ethical responsibility that unless great danger or harm to oneself or others can be avoided by revealing the information must remain confidential. . Since the Smiths are going through a divorce and I have the accessibility of keeping the information of my client confidential, The accountant calling in regards of the Income tax files will have to try and get the Information from Mr.. Smith himself. There Is no way that I can verify that this Is truly the accountant of Mr.. Smith. The only person that can ask for their files at that point In time would be Mr.. Smith himself. 4. Clients lie all the time while under oath. It is not the lawyers responsibility to bring this to the courts light. It is the responsibility of the lawyer to not deceit the court while representing the client and presenting the evidence at hand. 7. The client- attorney privilege only protects the essence of a communication made In confidence between a client and a lawyer when the client Is seeking legal advice or representation. Information from other sources given by the client to the lawyer does not make that information protected. Under the ethical duty of confidentiality, any information relating to the representation of a client is protected as confidential. 8. When is said that paralegals are subject to the principle of the client- attorney privilege, it is meant that paralegals must also abide by the rules and regulations that lawyers follow under this rule. . First of and foremost a paralegal can always turn to the attorney who they are employed under for guidance. It Is the duty of the attorney who has employed this paralegal to ensure that the paralegal Is fully aware of the rules and obligations they have. The paralegal can also seek counsel from the paralegal association of their state. Page 101 102 1 1 en model rules AT professional conduct state Tanat Dilatation required Day an attorney to follow pertaining to conflict of interest. The national Federation of Paralegal Associations gives a detail list of the rules and regulations to which a Raleigh must abide by. 3. Representation of two parties that are going through a legal matter by one single attorney should be avoided at all costs because it can lead to disaster. In this case the attorney should not represent both Betty and Allan because if a problem evolves during the transaction, Élans attorney would have information of both clients that can harm the representation in a potential case. 5. In this case being that my spouse has direct contact with one of the parties the firm has recently made a client off of, it would be a conflict of interest if I became the paralegal of this case. The reasoning behind this is that I might be bias to the case in favor of the sporting goods store since my wife has contact with them or I may know more information then the client wishes to reveal. 7. In this case my firm can represent Kevin because it is two completely different auto shops and my firm has never dealt with either party. Each party is a new client to the law firm and the law firm has no previous knowledge of their history. 9. No, Sarah cannot represent a client to which her husband is the attorney of the opposing client. This would cause a great conflict of interest.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

History of Papermaking From Papyrus to Dixie Cups

History of Papermaking From Papyrus to Dixie Cups The word paper is derived from the name of the reedy plant papyrus, which grows abundantly along the Nile River in Egypt. However, true paper is made of pulped cellulose fibers like wood, cotton or flax. First There Was Papyrus Papyrus is made from the sliced sections of the flower stem of the papyrus plant, pressed together and dried, and then used from writing or drawing. Papyrus appeared in Egypt around 2400 B.C. Then There Was Paper A courtier named Tsai-Lun, from Lei-yang in China, was the first recorded inventor of paper circa 105 A.D. Tsai-Lun presented paper and a papermaking process to the Chinese Emperor and that was noted in the imperial court records. There may have been papermaking in China earlier than the above date, but inventor Tsai-Lun did much for the spread of papermaking technology in China. Chinese Papermaking The ancient Chinese first made paper in the following fashion. Plant fibers such as hemp were soaked and beaten into a sludgeThe sludge was strained through a cloth sieve attached to a frame that also served as a drying platform for the resulting paper Newsprint Charles Fenerty of Halifax made the first paper from wood pulp (newsprint) in 1838. Charles Fenerty was helping a local paper mill maintain an adequate supply of rags to make paper when he succeeded in making paper from wood pulp. He neglected to patent his invention and others did patent papermaking processes based on wood fiber. Corrugated Papermaking - Cardboard In 1856, Englishmen, Healey and Allen, received a patent for the first corrugated or pleated paper. The paper was used to line mens tall hats. American, Robert Gair promptly invented the corrugated cardboard box in 1870. These were pre-cut flat pieces manufactured in bulk that opened up and folded into boxes. On December 20, 1871, Albert Jones of New York NY, patented a stronger corrugated paper (cardboard) used as a shipping material for bottles and glass lanterns. In 1874, G. Smyth built the first single sided corrugated board making machine. Also in 1874, Oliver Long improved upon the Jones patent and invented a lined corrugated cardboard. Paper Bags The first recorded historical reference to grocery paper bags was made in 1630. The use of paper sacks only really started to take off during the Industrial Revolution: between 1700 and 1800. Margaret Knight (1838-1914) was an employee in a paper bag factory when she invented a new machine part to make square bottoms for paper bags. Paper bags had been more like envelopes before. Knight can be considered the mother of the grocery bag, she founded the Eastern Paper Bag Company in 1870. On February 20, 1872, Luther Crowell also patented a machine that manufactured paper bags. Paper Plates Paper foodservice disposables products were first made at the beginning of the 20th century. The paper plate was the first single-use foodservice product invented in 1904. Dixie Cups Hugh Moore was an inventor who owned a paper cup factory, located next door to the Dixie Doll Company. The word Dixie was printed on the doll companys front door. Moore saw the word every day, which reminded him of dixies, the ten-dollar bank notes from a New Orleans bank that had the French word dix printed on the face of the bill. The bank had a great reputation in the early 1800s. Moore decided that dixies was a great name. After getting permission from his neighbor to use the name, he renamed his paper cups Dixie Cups. It should be mentioned that Moores paper cups first invented in 1908 were originally called health cups and replaced the single repeat-use metal cup that had been used with water fountains.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

WW2 Japan and China's war AKA the Second Sino japanese war Research Paper

WW2 Japan and China's war AKA the Second Sino japanese war - Research Paper Example The results of the war were that they were displaced from their homes and properties totaling to billions destroyed1. This paper examines into details second Sino-Japanese War and its effects. The second Sino-Japanese War origin is traced back to the incident in Manchurian which took place in September 1931. Japanese being effectively consolidated had occupied different territories and the Kwantung army went ahead to occupy Munchuria. After this, they established their puppet state In Munchuria known as Manchukuo in February 1932. The Chinese were not happy with this change, but the Japanese forced them to recognize the independence of their puppet states. They opposed this by conducting suppressed anti-Japanese activities and in the process forming an autonomous regional government in Northern China. However, the Japanese succeeds in their quest of forming puppet states because between the periods of 1933 and 1935, the Chinese people were forced through their armies to create two demilitarized autonomous areas to border their puppet state2. The break of the Second Sino-Japanese war was traced back to increased internal opposition to the Japanese government by Chinese citizens who saw that the Japanese policy of making their selves stronger before carrying out an attack was a threat to their sovereignty. In 1937, the Japanese soldiers headed for Beijing and Tainjin demanding that the Chinese soldiers were to surrender under their terms. This was because they knew that the military might of the Chinese could not match them as they were advanced weaponry. However, this did not go as planned because the Chinese clashed with the Japanese as they saw that they were slowly loosing their freedom and country to the Japanese who were foreigners in their land3. The Chinese initial response to this was to place their troops outside Shangai an area occupied by the Japanese. This act greatly agitated the Japanese as they saw this as an act of challenge to their

Friday, October 18, 2019

Labor Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Labor Issue - Essay Example The overall psyche of United States administrations is developed to cut off their budgets at all levels including federal, state, and local levels. One of the major actions that the administrations generally take being a quick step to cut the expenditures is the slashing of the jobs. This measure simply ends up in getting rid of the â€Å"excess fat† from the existing jobs. However, this step brings in more depression and disappointments especially among those who are the direct victims of such actions. The end results of laying offs can prove to be rather severe especially in those areas where there is no room for any dismissal, in fact, more personnel are required to fill the potentially vacant jobs. Laying offs may provide some temporary benefits to the administrations in short rum but in long run it can sabotage morale of the fired employees by and large. In United States, there are many important departments, which operate their functions under local level administrations. These departments play a significant role in the normal day-to-day operations at the local city level. Policing department and firefighting service departments are some of those departments, which perform their operations under the direct supervision of the local administration. As mentioned above, currently US government at all levels is quite reluctant to boost its economic activities and due to this fact, all the administrations taking all the necessary steps to keep the expenditure level at its minimum. The fiscal budget of Detroit City is aimed at reducing the expenditure by some $250 million with the job cut of around 2,600 employees working in the local departments (FireRescue1, 2012). As far as the firefighting department of Detroit City is concerned, the administration has aimed to cut around $160 million, which is around 13% of the budget. In the same way, the City Mayor of

Effective Career Management and Planning and Who Is Responsible for Essay

Effective Career Management and Planning and Who Is Responsible for This - Essay Example Career management's main task is to maintain the careers of the employees who have been enrolled on the active roster of an enterprise or a company and thus bolster their careers in the light of growing trends, changing circumstances and problems that might arise from time to time. This also means that employees are better understood by the organizations not only with regards to their own individual standpoints but from the whole industry's stance as well. This can be a positive sign since people would trust the initiatives which are taken by the corporations and thus aspire to contribute in a better and more productive manner as and when the need arises. In fact, this will be a proactive step rather than the one that needs encouragement and a pat on the back every now and then. Proactive efforts would reap far better and more fruitful results than a company which just praises once an employee does something extraordinary. (Llewellyn, 2002) Career management is not a new field that c omes under the management of human resources in organizations rather it is one tenet which needs to be discussed at length as the same was missing in the past, as far as organizational ranks are concerned.Effective career management comes about with a desire to have personality assessments and then to follow them in line with the technological changes which come ahead in one's career pathway. Advances in different fields of technology have done a great deal to produce miraculous devices and solutions. In some circumstances, however, these advances have created problems for the elderly. More aggressive technology approaches are used to extend the life of the elderly. (Rothwell, 2005) On the whole, the elderly, as well as others, welcome that development - even if they fear some of its consequences. The planning phase within career management and eventually the progression comes about with a sense to 'do it right' and to set the ball rolling within the personality domains. Career mana gement from the perspective of an organization also becomes an interestingly debatable task - more so with the advent of the human resource management regimes. This department takes care of the issues that are encountered by the professionals while they are undergoing career progression, settling problems and a host of other aspects.

Planning and Recruitment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Planning and Recruitment - Coursework Example This would obviously keep the organization abreast of the changes that are happening globally and which are important to comprehend. The importance of effective planning is that it keeps everything in order and allows one to understand the proper nuances of staffing and recruitment that come within the aegis of an organization in this day and age. The future of any organization is quite dependent on how staffing aspects shape up and what these will bring within its people to people contact within it in the long run. This shall mean a great deal of significance for the employees who get recruited within it for one reason or the other. Q 2: Construct a Job Advertisement of Human Resources Manager vacancy taking into consideration the below fields: Attention, Interest, Desire & Action As far as attention is concerned, there should be a proper heading in place which gains the much needed concentration of the intended audience. This will solve the issue of breaking through the clutter and reaching out to the end reader in a clear cut way. It will be very precise and to the point. Interest is gained with a proper visual in place which is provided the necessary cover through the body copy that is mentioned in the advertisement. It will make sure that the exact message is conveyed here which would be very crisp and interesting in its entirety. This will ask the reader to be a part of the advertisement even more. The desire aspect comes in when the audience long to be a part of the human resources manager vacancy which is given significance by what he is asked to do and what he must carry out in order to be a part of the organization that by now he is willing to recruit within. The action phase is made apparent when the prospective applicant is asked to either contact the person who has been mentioned through e-mail or a mailing address. This is the part where the applicant would contact the organization and thus get in line with the company that he wishes to be a part of. Q 3: Explain the internal and external Recruiting Strategies. Internal recruiting strategy is when the organization wishes to fill up a vacancy from inside its entirety. On the other hand, external recruiting strategy is applied when the business seeks a new applicant from other sources that are outside the business domains. The recruiting strategy that is best utilized by the organization is the one that seeks the best talent for the said position under consideration and is less costly in terms of the amount spent. This would mean that some organizations would like to use a combination of both of these recruiting strategies from time to time while others stick to one of the two. It entirely depends on what kind of understanding the organization has with its own labor force and what it wants to achieve from the people that are working under its aegis. The internal recruiting strategy is usually fast-tracked because an employee would only need to change his position within the of fice. The external recruiting strategy is different and more cumbersome, as it demands more vigilance and extra controls to be implemented within its fore. This would mean that the external recruiting strategy is usually costly and requires hard work on the part of the human resources management realms. Q 4: Discuss the importance of Code of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

1 page synopsis that you think embodies the notion of skepticism Essay

1 page synopsis that you think embodies the notion of skepticism - Essay Example He believes that huge advancements made in scientific research would enable us to meet the aliens on equal footing. The author actually means that as history of civilization has shown, development of society vis-Ã  -vis education, science and technology and democratic pattern of society has made us more tolerant and inclusive society that thrives on understanding and mutual respect. So the more advanced aliens would also behave in similar way and would prefer to understand and corroborate rather than destroy us. It is for this reason that he is skeptic of Stephen Hawking’s prophecy that aliens would be like nomads who would be colonizing planets when they reach there. The article is interesting because it discusses aliens’ invasion or their encounter with us in future. He has doubts about Stephen Hawking’s belief about the nature of encounter with aliens because of his idea that advancements have made us more civilized! Indeed, it has resulted in development but today, we have more wars and acts of violence which have become lethal due to technology. So aliens could be violent species and we should be prepared for that. (words:

Executive Summary of an organization Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Executive Summary of an organization - Term Paper Example The company sells over 300 products to more than 5 billion consumers. Although traditionally the company primarily focused on mature markets, P&G has managed to expand its market share in regions considered as developing markets, which includes Africa. Competitors: Key competitors of P&G’s products include Unilever, Johnson & Johnson and Kimberly Clark Corporation. The ease of substitution of P & G consumer goods by competitors has resulted to decline in the company’s sales volume. In addition, Unilever has also successfully established international market for its products, thus reducing P&G’s market share. Collaborators: To enhance innovation and increase its management efficiency, P&G has adopted a collaborative strategy in its operation. Microsoft has emerged as the key party in P&G’s collaborative strategy. Microsoft has been able to develop and implement essential information systems that are being utilized by P&G for operations management and communication purposes. In addition, P&G collaboration with Cisco led to the development of TelePresence, teleconference information system used by the organization. Community: Due to its vast market, P&G operates in a dynamic market coupled with a myriad of political, economical and social dynamics. The primarily operates under the domain of the set laws and regulations of the given political expanse. This may range from one country to another. Strengths: By using human resources information systems, P&G has been able to manage effectively its vast volume of employees, which totaled 125,000 globally. Furthermore, using supply chain information systems, the organization efficiently manages global distribution of over 300 brands in 160 countries. According to Gelder (2005), effective management of information and communication systems has also necessitated the appropriate management of P&G’s marketing and advertisement, which is evidenced by their popular brands. Weakness: Implementation of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

1 page synopsis that you think embodies the notion of skepticism Essay

1 page synopsis that you think embodies the notion of skepticism - Essay Example He believes that huge advancements made in scientific research would enable us to meet the aliens on equal footing. The author actually means that as history of civilization has shown, development of society vis-Ã  -vis education, science and technology and democratic pattern of society has made us more tolerant and inclusive society that thrives on understanding and mutual respect. So the more advanced aliens would also behave in similar way and would prefer to understand and corroborate rather than destroy us. It is for this reason that he is skeptic of Stephen Hawking’s prophecy that aliens would be like nomads who would be colonizing planets when they reach there. The article is interesting because it discusses aliens’ invasion or their encounter with us in future. He has doubts about Stephen Hawking’s belief about the nature of encounter with aliens because of his idea that advancements have made us more civilized! Indeed, it has resulted in development but today, we have more wars and acts of violence which have become lethal due to technology. So aliens could be violent species and we should be prepared for that. (words:

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Introduce ZED buildings principles and its Philosophy in relation to Essay

Introduce ZED buildings principles and its Philosophy in relation to Energy efficiency policy,why ZED is becoming one of the mos - Essay Example Efforts have been made in order for the negative effects of building projects on the natural environment to be minimized – for example, the update of existing British legislation on wildlife and the adoption of Kyoto Protocol by a series of countries worldwide (The Telegraph 2010). The ZED building philosophy is the major initiative of this type. The specific framework has been primarily promoted by organizations operating in the private sector – reference is made to ZED Factory, a firm focusing on the expansion of ZED building philosophy in building projects across Britain. However, the ZED building principles – as analytically explained by ZED Factory – could be easily adopted by firms of the construction industry; this effort would have more chances to succeed if the relevant principles were gradually adopted – for instance, through the incorporation, primarily, of energy saving schemes, a fact highlighted in the BedZED (eco-village) scheme (BedZ ED, Eco-Community, 2011). Moreover, the support of the state would increase the effectiveness of ZED building principles on existing building projects; this initiative could be developed worldwide – using the theoretical and practical framework suggested by ZED Factory, as explained throughout the paper. The examination of the existing status and performance of ZED building philosophy has led to the conclusion that the specific framework would be quite effective for limiting the negative effects of construction projects on the environment; moreover, its principles are rather easy to be understood and incorporated – being related with the existing energy efficiency schemes as promoted both by individuals and the state. 2. ZED buildings principles and philosophy – description The ZED building philosophy has many different aspects; however, its priority remains the increase of energy efficiency of buildings. Through the years, ZED philosophy has been developed in o rder to meet the advanced requirements of modern buildings – as these requirements have been affected by the technology used in various stages of the relevant building projects. It should be also noted that ZED philosophy couldn’t be understood without referring to its forms and implications in practice, i.e. in the context of buildings on which ZED building principles have been applied. For this reason, the presentation of the particular philosophy has been combined with the reference to construction projects, which have been based on the ZED building principles. An important example of this type is the eco-village BedZED; the buildings of this village have been constructed in such way, so that an important reduction of energy consumption is achieved. Indeed, in a report developed in 2009, i.e. seven years after the completion of the specific building project (in 2002), it was mentioned that the homeowners of the specific site consumed ‘45% lower electricty and 81% less hot water than the borough average’ (PeaBody Organization, UK, 2009, 4); it is also noted that the initial targets of the particular project, i.e. the limitation of the energy consumed by the homeowners and the following limitation of the pollution caused to the environment, have been both

Monday, October 14, 2019

Strategies for Cancer Treatment

Strategies for Cancer Treatment Cancer is one of the most severe health problems in the world. So the development of new anticancer drugs and new effective strategies to treat cancer is on the rise in drug discovery and clinical therapy. One of the major causes for morbidity and mortality is cancer, alone in 2008 there are approximately 12.7 million cases and 7.6 million deaths worldwide. A diagnosis of cancer goes as back as ca. 460 BC – ca. 370 BC, Hippocrates describes many different types of cancers and referred to them with the word carcinos, Greek word means crab. He gave this name because of the cut surfaces of a solid malignant tumour, showing stretched veins on all sides, similar in appearance of crab. A normal cell changes into a cancer cell due to cell mutation. Stimulatory and inhibitory systems in human body are responsible for controlling cell division. Cancer is monoclonal and for a normal cell to change its â€Å"phenotype† into a â€Å"neoplastic† cell, it has to undergo genetic mutation and these mutations will cause cancer. Carcinogenesis occurs in three stages: initiation, promotion and progression. Malignant transformation occurs at progression step and implies the ability to attack surrounding tissues to spread cancer. DNA damage is one of the main causes of cancer. It can arise from prolong exposure to exogenous agents. Cancer research has generated a rich and complex body of cognition, bring outing cancer to be a disease involving dynamic changes in the genome after a fourth part century of rapid advances. Two types of cancer genes has be outlined in the discovery of mutation, 1st that â€Å"oncogenes with dominant gain of function† and 2nd â€Å"tumor suppressor genes with recessive loss of function†. Both were identified through changes in human and animal cancer cells and by experimental models on the their cancer phenotypes. That tumorigenesis in human beings is a multistep process and that these staircase reflect genetic alterations that drive the progressive transformation of normal human cells into highly malignant derivatives. Cultured cells transform is a multistep process, it was observed that rodent cells show tumorigenic activity after being introduced to a minimum two genetic changes, whereas human cells are more complicate to transform. It has been established by transge nic models of tumorigenesis that tumorigenesis in mice process over multiple rate-limiting steps. In cancer cell genotype, malignant growth consist of six crucial modifications in cell physiology (Figure); self-sufficiency in growth signals, evasion of programmed cell death (apoptosis), insensitivity to growth-inhibitory (antigrowth) signals, limitless replicative potential, sustained angiogenesis and tissue invasion and metastasis. Tumor development goes through physiological changes to ensure the anticancer defence mechanism is successfully breached into cells and tissues. These six physiological changes are said to be shared in almost all types of human tumors. Microtubules are new and improved cytotoxic anticancer inhibitors, used in the treatment of different types of cancer. They can attack a cancer cell as a single agent or as combined regiments. â€Å"Microtubule-interacting agents† are of two types, one acts by inhibiting the transformation of tubulin heterodimer into microtubule polymers (â€Å"tubulin polymerisation inhibitors†) and other acts as stabilizing agent, it stabilizes the microtubule under normal destabilize conditions (â€Å"microtubule stabilizers†). Vincristine and Vinblastine agents are used for tubulin polymerization inhibitor. They were approved by FDA in 1963 and 1965. The 1st agent to use as microtubule-stabilizing agent was paclitaxel (or taxol) and was approved by FDA in 1992 and then semi-synthetic analog docetaxel in 1996. The use of microtubule-stabilizing agents as anticancer drugs has made a significant advance in cancer treatment. Taxol is a complex diterpene. Wall, Wani and co-workers were the first to isolate it from the bar of the pacific yew tree Taxus brevifolia Nutt in 1971. The compound showed excellent in vivo antitumor activity in nude mice experiment modelled as human tumour, which initiated the preclinical formulation and studies on Taxol toxicity in 1977 by NCI (National Cancer Institute). Susan Horwitz and co-workers were the 1st to identify the microtubule-stabilising properties of Taxol. They also identified the mechanism of action of taxol which stabilises the cellular microtubules is distinct from other compounds. Since 1995 many more natural products which share same properties as taxol i.e. depolymerisation of microtubules has been discovered. Cellular targets of microtubules-stabilizing agents consist of hollow filaments of ca.240 Ã… diameter, they are made of 55 kD proteins ÃŽ ±- and ÃŽ ²-tubulin as an important subunit. Cytoskeleton consists of actin polymers and intermediate filaments, however microtubules are one of the essential components and responsible for various cellular functions, such as maintenance of cell shape, its development and motility, intracellular transport of vesicles. Cellular microtubules are made of 13 protofliaments â€Å"(i.e. linear polymer with head-to-tail arrangement of ÃŽ ±- and ÃŽ ²-tubulin subunits)† There are possibilities structures with different protofilaments number, however only the structure with 13 protofilaments can align ÃŽ ±- and ÃŽ ²-tubulin parallel along with the axis of microtubules cylinder and this can cellular transport by motor proteins over a long distance. Microtubules has the ability to shorten and lengthen its length by adding or losing ÃŽ ±/ÃŽ ² tubulin from microtubule ends, and this known as â€Å"dynamic instability†. The dynamic properties of the microtubules are responsible for proper assembly of the mitotic spindle and the sister chromatids movement to the spindle poles. The spindle microtubules are 4-100 folds more dynamic as compare to the one’s forming interphase cytoskeleton. As mentioned above microtubule-interacting agents are of two types, one inhibits the microtubule polymerisation or destabilise the microtubules which already exists â€Å"(such as Vinca alkaloids or colchicines)† and other stabilise microtubules under destabilising conditions. Both types of agents would lead intense cell cycle arrest in mitosis at cellular level and would bring death that cell through apoptpsis. According to the research done by Horwitz and co-workers it is established that if a human cancer cell is treated with low concentration of microtubule-stabilising drugs, this will lead to abnormal mitosis formation, followed by the cell cycle arrest in G1 and eventually apoptosis will take place in arrested G1 state. However if high concentration of drug is used against human cancer cell, it will cause a prolong mitotic block and cells will exit without multiplying, as a result formation of tetraploid G1 cells will take place, which then leads to cell apoptosis. This can be established from the these results that it is a fundamental requirement for the cells to go through mitosis to achieve apoptosis by microtubule-stabilizing agents. For anticancer drugs, the cellular response to MSA’s can be modify due to changes occur in the cells and can lead to drug resistance or cell may be inherently acquired resistance against the effects of growth inhibitors due to the resistance protein. Drug efflux by ABC transporters such as the phosphoglycp-protein (P-gp), is one of the most often drug resistance observed in the cancer cells. Introduction of taxol was given above, now we will look at in more detail. Taxol showed excellent in vivo antitumor activity in nude mice experiment modelled as human tumour, which initiated the preclinical formulation and studies on Taxol toxicity in 1977 by NCI (National Cancer Institute). Susan Horwitz and co-workers were the 1st to identify the microtubule-stabilising properties of Taxol. They also identified the mechanism of action of taxol which stabilises the cellular microtubules is distinct from other compounds. Anticancer drugs from taxol are used widely to treat different types of cancer such as ovarian, breast and non-small cell lungs cancer. It can be used on its own, monotherapy or combined with cis-platin. Taxol has very low stability and formulation difficulties, however one of the major issue in it development is its low availability from natural sources.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Gymnastics Essay -- Sports, Oldest Sports

Gymnastics is a sport that requires strength, flexibility, dedication, and determination. However, gymnastics also requires the ability to be graceful and delicate. For many years people have been dedicating themselves to this sport, training for either artistic or rhythmic gymnastics. The sport of gymnastics has been around for many years. Originating around 2,500 years ago makes it one of the oldest sports. People believe that the first "apparatus" used was actually a bull. Men would grab onto the bull's horns and when they were thrown in the air they would try to perform the best stunt before landing (Gutman, 1). Gymnastics originated in Greece where they believed that physical fitness was very important, but only to men. It was so important that there was an open-air gymnasium in every city. The gymnasiums were also used as schools where philosophy, literature, and music were taught. The athletes, who were only men eighteen and older, trained all day every day. When they would compete they threw the javelin, climbed ropes, ran races, wrestled, and lifted weights. The athletes would perform without clothes on, and all women were forbidden to watch. Unlike Greece the Emperor of Rome closed all the gymnasiums in A.D. 393 (Gutman, 2-3, 5). Years later around 1800 a German man named Johann Frederich Guts Muths developed a system of exercises that were based off the exercises that the Greeks used. He also added climbing, balance movements, and military drills. Muths also wrote the first real book on gymnastics (Gutman, 6). According to Gutman the true father of gymnastics was a German professor named Frederich Ludwig Jahn. He opened the first modern gymnasium around Berlin in 1811 and modeled it after the ancie... ...ragg, 22). The sixth and last event is the horizontal bar. It is eight feet long and hangs eight feet above the floor. Gymnasts perform skills similar to the skills that women perform on the uneven bars (Bragg, 23). The second and less known type of gymnastics is rhythmic gymnastics. It is performed on same floor as artistic gymnastics and gymnasts show body movement and dance moves long with music. At the same time, they have to handle a small apparatus such as a rope, hoop, ball, clubs, or ribbon. The routines can also be performed in groups of five people performing simultaneously (World, 2). The sport of gymnastics is known to be demanding and it requires a great deal of determination and dedication. However, it is becoming an increasingly popular sport. For thousands of years people have dedicated their lives to artistic and rhythmic gymnastics.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Views on the role of Nick as a narrator in the Great Gatsby have Essay

Views on the role of Nick as a narrator in the Great Gatsby have varied greatly. How do the views of Arthur Mizener and Gary J. Scrimgeour relate to your own view of Nick's function in the novel? Published in 1925, and written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, 'The Great Gatsby' is a brilliant and scathing illustration of life among the new rich during the 1920s; people who had recently amassed a great deal of wealth but had no corresponding social connections, or a sense of morality. Nick Carraway is the narrator of the novel; he rents a house on Long Island next door to Jay Gatsby, the title character. Gatsby is in love with Nick's cousin Daisy, who is married to an obnoxious man she does not really love, and he has no strong feelings towards her either. Her and his extramarital affairs are set against the background of the extravagant parties that Gatsby is famous for throwing, while Nick struggles to reconcile his attraction to a lavish lifestyle with his feeling that a moral grounding is missing. The writing style throughout 'The Great Gatsby' is terse and the book at times is depressing, with an overall message of hope and the American dream, discouraging. The story is told through the eyes of an active, biased, participant. Nick Carraway has a special place in this novel and has many functions. He is not just one character among several, it is through his eyes and ears that we form our opinions of the other characters. Nick is both within, yet outside the occurrence of events as he is friends with Gatsby and related to Daisy, but is still not involved fully in all that occurs, even though somebody else often tells him about it. Often, readers of this novel confuse Nick's stance towards those characters a... ...atsby is Nick's opinion. Gatsby's dream and the purity of his vision is the 'great' part, rather than the wealth. In one sense, the title of the novel is ironic; the title character is neither "great" nor named Gatsby. He is a criminal whose real name is James Gatz, and the life he has created for himself is an illusion. By the same token, the title of the novel refers to the theatrical skill with which Gatsby makes this illusion seem real. Fitzgerald has created a most interesting character in Nick because he is very much a fallible storyteller. When an author unsettles an accepted convention in the art of storytelling by creating a narrator like Nick, it draws attention to the story as fiction. Ironically, in doing this, he has created in Nick a figure that more closely resembles an average human being and thus has heightened the realism of the novel.

Friday, October 11, 2019

United States Vs Midwest Solvent Recovery Environmental Sciences Essay

In the instance of the United States v. Midwest Solvent Recovery, I believe that the the suspect ( Midwest Solvent Recovery, Inc. ) was negligent in the operation of the installations and that the two sites became a public nuisance. First of all, in the class of runing its concern, Midwest Solvent placed a big figure of membranophones on belongingss next to the Midco # 1 site without the permission or presentment of the belongingss ‘ proprietors. It was besides a residential country. In add-on, the country # 1 was n't guarded and they was n't fenced-in, intending that they did non make much to forestall accidents. The membranophones incorporating risky stuff were besides non stored or disposed suitably ( Weinberg, 2006 ) . This is negligent of the suspect because they were neglecting to exert the attention expected of a reasonably prudent individual in such fortunes ( Cornell University Law School, 2011 ) . Then fire of enormous size broke out on Midco # 1 and in the class of the wining hebdomad ravaged the site. The fire consumed much of the chemical waste stuffs stored in the 1000s of membranophones stacked on the land and on each other. The fire caused the coevals of toxic exhausts and caused a big figure of the 55-gallon membranophones to rocket up to 250 pess in the air ( Weinberg, 2006 ) . Besides, the toxicant waste penetrated through top dirt, possibly even making H2O tabular arraies. I believe this is a nuisance because it was something unauthorised that became deleterious to the community at big ( Adams, 2006 ) . An injunction to forestall pollution prevents a threatened hurt, preserves the position quo, or restrains the continued committee of an on-going incorrect but can non be used to right a consummated wrong or to undo that which has already been done. On the other manus, an injunction that requires remotion of pollution attempts do undo what has already been done. If we evaluate the cost-benefit analysis, it would do more sense to hold a preventive attack as it is less dearly-won and frequently less work/trouble/complicated than to take pollution that is already in the air, H2O, and/or dirt ( Mayer, 2007 ) . Besides, in public wellness our end is to forestall diseases because if we merely took action after everyone had diseases, it may be excessively late for some ( no hope of acquiring better ) . As it is best described â€Å" an ounce of bar is worth a lb of remedy † . This is the same rule with the environment. If we do non forestall pollution, so it could make threshold and our wellness could endure. Although there may be ways to take some beginnings of taint, non all taint from the air, dirt, and H2O is possible. It may besides be excessively late to recover what we one time had. This is why we are seeking to take action on planetary heating effects today before it does excessively much harm to our environment, therefore our wellness ( Mayer, 2007 ) . The general responsibility clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ) has criterions that require employers to take control steps for the dangers of specific jeopardies or operations ( e.g. electricity and confined infinite work ) . However, the authorization who created and wrote the OSHA Torahs understood that it would be impossible to anticipate and make a criterion for every jeopardy in the workplace. Therefore, they added a subdivision to the jurisprudence necessitating employers to protect against other foreseeable jeopardies non covered by a specific OSHA criterion. This is what they call the aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"General Dutyaa‚ ¬A? clause ( McGuire, 2004 ) . For a jeopardy to be covered by the general responsibility clause it must be recognized. Over the old ages, OSHA has issued reading letters bespeaking specific jeopardies that could be considered recognized, including most notably ergonomic hazards, heat and cold emphasis and workplace force ( Demby, 2009 ) . As earlier, OSHA will find whether a peculiar jeopardy is recognized on a individual footing. But the new Field Operations Manual clarifies the standard OSHA will utilize to measure acknowledgment of jeopardies. More significantly, the standards themselves are highly wide and will do it much easier for OSHA to happen that a jeopardy was recognized ( Demby, 2009 ) . A material safety informations sheet ( MSDS ) is a signifier with informations sing the belongingss of a peculiar substance. It provide workers and exigency forces with processs for managing or working with that substance in a safe mode, and includes information such as physical informations ( brassy point, runing point, boiling point, etc. ) , toxicity, wellness effects, foremost assistance, responsiveness, storage, disposal, protective equipment, and spill-handling processs. MSDS formats can change from beginning to beginning within a state depending on national demands. The MSDS besides provide instructions on proper substance usage, therefore supplying utile hazard communicating and ways to assist forestall workplace hurts ( U.S. Department of Labor, 2010 ) . Because of the earnestness of these safety and wellness jobs, and because many employers and employees know small or nil about them, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ) issued the Hazard Communication Standard. The basic end of the criterion is to be certain employers and employees know about work jeopardies and how to protect themselves ; this should assist to cut down the incidence of chemical beginning unwellness and hurts. The Hazard Communication Standard establishes unvarying demands to do certain that the jeopardies of all chemicals imported into, produced, or used in U.S. workplaces are evaluated, and that this jeopardy information is transmitted to affected employers and exposed employees via MSDS ( U.S. Department of Labor, 1998 ) . A material safety informations sheet ( MSDS ) is a signifier with informations sing the belongingss of a peculiar substance. It provide workers and exigency forces with processs for managing or working with that substance in a safe mode, and includes information such as physical informations ( brassy point, runing point, boiling point, etc. ) , toxicity, wellness effects, foremost assistance, responsiveness, storage, disposal, protective equipment, and spill-handling processs. MSDS formats can change from beginning to beginning within a state depending on national demands. The MSDS besides provide instructions on proper substance usage, therefore supplying utile hazard communicating and ways to assist forestall workplace hurts ( U.S. Department of Labor, 2010 ) . Because of the earnestness of these safety and wellness jobs, and because many employers and employees know small or nil about them, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ) issued the Hazard Communication Standard. The basic end of the criterion is to be certain employers and employees know about work jeopardies and how to protect themselves ; this should assist to cut down the incidence of chemical beginning unwellness and hurts. The Hazard Communication Standard establishes unvarying demands to do certain that the jeopardies of all chemicals imported into, produced, or used in U.S. workplaces are evaluated, and that this jeopardy information is transmitted to affected employers and exposed employees via MSDS ( U.S. Department of Labor, 1998 ) . Despite the name, the Superfund trust fund lacks sufficient financess to clean up even a little figure of the sites on the National Priorities List ( NPL ) . As a consequence, the authorities will typically order potentially responsible party ( PRPs ) to clean up the site themselves. If a party fails to follow with such an order, it may be fined up to $ 25,000 for each twenty-four hours that non-compliance continues. A party that spends money to clean up a site may action certain other PRPs under the CERCLA. A related proviso allows a party that has reimbursed another party ‘s response costs to seek part from other PRPs, during or after the original case. An â€Å" orphan portion † is the portion of waste at a Superfund site that can non be collected because the PRP is either unidentifiable or insolvent ( Weinberg, 2006 ) . Although the reply to this hebdomad ‘s treatment inquiry can convey up controversial argument, I believe that it ‘s just that the exercising of due attention is non considered a defence in Superfund. If person by chance contaminates an country with risky waste, it should be their duty to clean-up their muss, whether or non care was taken to forestall this accident. By making so, it teaches people that they need to take duty for their actions and should guarantee that preventive steps are taken to guarantee to no accidents occur in the first topographic point. It ‘s the same rule as having a Canis familiaris. The Canis familiaris may be fenced-in the backyard, but if that Canis familiaris someway digs a hole under the fencing and does damage to the neighbour ‘s pace, it ‘s still the proprietor ‘s duty to take attention of that Canis familiaris and to repair what the Canis familiaris damaged ( apt ) , despite that steps were put into topographic poin t to forestall this. In add-on, the costs associated with the killing of risky stuffs should non come out of guiltless taxpayers ‘ pockets because finally, they are n't the 1s managing the risky waste and have n't do the accident. The 1s that are responsible should pay the monetary value for their errors ( Weinberg, 2006 ) . Sick edifice causes are often pinned down to blemish in the warming, airing, and air conditioning ( HVAC ) systems. Other causes have been attributed to contaminations produced by outgassing of some types of edifice stuffs, volatile organic compounds ( VOC ) , casts, improper fumes airing of ozone ( by-product of some office machinery ) , light industrial chemicals used within, or deficiency of equal fresh-air intake/air filtration ( Sick Building Syndrome and indoor clime control, n.d. ) . Some edifice proprietors view ill edifice syndrome as the fact that many people feel better when they are non at work. However, if more than 20 % of edifice residents complain of symptoms such as centripetal annoyance of the eyes, nose, pharynx ; neurotoxic or general wellness jobs ; clamber annoyance ; nonspecific hypersensitivity reactions ; and olfactory property and gustatory sensation esthesiss, it is considered as Sick Building Syndrome ( SBS ) ( Lawrence, 2002 ) . Several ill residents may describe person symptoms which do non look to be connected. The key to find is the increased incidence of unwellnesss in general with oncoming or aggravation within a reasonably close clip frame, normally within a period of hebdomads. In most instances, SBS symptoms will be relieved shortly after the residents leave the peculiar room or zone. However, there can be lingering effects of assorted neurolysins, which may non unclutter up when the resident leaves the edifice. Particularly in sensi tive persons there can be long-run wellness effects ( EPA, 2011 ) . The ordinances by OSHA are intended to turn to indoor air quality in indoor work environments and besides try to command environmental baccy fume. The ordinances are of peculiar involvement because they are directed at landlords and renters likewise. Specifically, an employer is defined under the ordinance to include edifice proprietors and leaseholders who control airing or care of premises where employees of other employers work. In cases where there are multiple employers/lessees within a individual edifice, the ordinances contemplate a sharing of duty. OSHA specifically states in its remarks on the proposed ordinances that â€Å" where there is a multi-employer work site, [ it is contemplated ] that the affected employers will split up the duties in the mode in which they make the most sense † ( EPA, 2011 ) There are more than 100,000 known species of cast, some of which can do respiratory jobs, skin/nose/throat annoyance, sinus congestion, chronic weariness, and oculus annoyance to call a few. Many place and workplace related complaints are now being attributed entirely or in portion to model. The dangers are potentially fatal to babies and persons with weak immune systems ( EPA, 2010 ) . Mold is most likely to turn where there is H2O or moistness. Preventing mold taint before it starts is best because the undertaking of decontamination could be overpowering. The four primary activities to assist forestall the spread of cast toxins are: 1. Excess wet decrease 2. Dust control 3. Ventilation and control of toxins 4. Education ( Lawrence, 2002 ) In general the EPA does non urge trying unless an resident of the infinite is diagnostic. When sampling is necessary it should be performed by a trained professional who has specific experience in planing mold-sampling protocols, trying methods, and the reading of findings. The most common signifier of trying to measure the degree of cast. Sampling of the interior and out-of-door air is conducted and the consequences to the degree of cast spores inside the premises and exterior are compared. Often, air trying will supply positive designation of the being of non-visible cast ( EPA, 2010 ) . Of class the first measure in work outing an indoor cast job is halting the beginning of wet. Next is to take the mold growing. Common remedies for little happenings of mold include: * Sunlight * Ventilation * Non-porous edifice stuffs * Household cleansing agents ( EPA, 2011 ) As a general regulation, merely killing the cast with a biocide is non plenty. The cast must be removed since the chemicals and proteins, which cause a reaction in worlds, are still present even in dead cast ( Maine Indoor Air Quality Council, 2010 ) . I believe that the proposed indoor air criterion was ne'er put into consequence because since the proposal was issued, many provinces and local authoritiess and private employers have taken action to restrict smoke in public countries and in workplaces. In add-on, the part of the proposal non related to environmental baccy smoke received small attending during the rulemaking proceedings, and much of that consisted of commenters naming into inquiry important parts of the proposal. As a consequence, record grounds back uping the non-environmental baccy smoke part of the proposal is thin ( EPA, 2011 ) . In peculiar a licence may be issued by governments, to let or restrict an activity that would otherwise be forbidden. It may necessitate paying a fee and/or turn outing a capableness. The demand may besides function to maintain the governments informed on a type of activity, and to give them the chance to put conditions and restrictions ( Burton and Sanjour, 1970 ) . Emissions trading is an attack used to command pollution by supplying economic inducements for accomplishing decreases in the emanations of pollutants. The overall end of an emanations trading program is to minimise the cost of run intoing a set emanations mark. The cap is an enforceable bound on emanations that is normally lowered over clip, taking towards a national emanations decrease mark. In other systems a part of all traded credits must be retired, doing a net decrease in emanations each clip a trade occurs. In many cap-and-trade systems, organisations which do non foul may besides take part, therefore environmental groups can buy and retire allowances or credits and therefore drive up the monetary value of the balance harmonizing to the jurisprudence of demand ( Environment, Climate Change & A ; Water, 2011 ) . A cardinal authorization ( normally a governmental organic structure ) sets a bound or cap on the sum of a pollutant that can be emitted. The bound or cap is allocated or sold to houses in the signifier of emanations licenses which represent the right to breathe or dispatch a specific volume of the specified pollutant. Firms are required to keep a figure of licenses ( or carbon credits ) equivalent to their emanations. The entire figure of licenses can non transcend the cap, restricting entire emanations to that degree. Firms that need to increase their emanation permits must purchase licenses from those who require fewer licenses. The transportation of licenses is referred to as a trade ( EPA, 2003 ) . In consequence, the purchaser is paying a charge for fouling, while the marketer is being rewarded for holding reduced emanations. Therefore, in theory, those who can cut down emanations most cheaply will make so, accomplishing the pollution decrease at the lowest cost to society ( En vironment, Climate Change & A ; Water, 2011 ) .

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Organization Impact Essay

In this paper I will discuss my results of the Myers Briggs test and the CREAX creativity self assessment exercise, both were taken online and both were about 50 questions long. They pertained to subjects such as extravert, intuitive, feeling, judging, persistence, abstraction, connection, complexity, paradox, boldness, curiosity and perspective. On the Myers Brigg test my extravert was 11%, my intuitive was 12%, my feeling was 50% and my judging was 11%. I have slight preference of extraversion over introversion, which does not surprise me at all as I have always been outgoing in most situations, the only time I seem to be a little more introvert is when I am around a new crowd and chose to sit back and watch how people behave before I come out of my shell. My intuition is also slightly preferred over my sensing, which also does not surprise me as in life my gut instincts have rarely guided me in the wrong direction, I also prefer feeling over thinking which at times has not been th e best thing for me in the past when it comes to making an important decision. Last but not least is the slight preference I have of judging over perceiving, I think in everyone this can be human nature however for the most part I do my best to have all the facts before coming to a conclusion about a person, thing or an idea. With the creativity test it looks at though I am at 54.94 and the typical is 63.6, I did not really have a clear understanding on where I ranked with the abstraction, persistence, connection, complexity, paradox, boldness, curiosity and perspective. The test did give the definition of what I was being graded on, for example for the abstraction this is in regards to the ability to abstract concepts from ideas, the connection is the ability to make connections between things that don’t initially have a connection. The perspective is the ability to shift ones perspective on a situation, the curiosity is the desire to change or improve things that everyone else sees as normal, the boldness area is the confidence to push the boundaries b eyond accepted conventions and the paradox section is the ability to work simultaneously on different projects. Last but not least were the complexity which is the ability to take in large amounts of information and be able to manage it and change it up and then there was persistence which was the ability to force oneself to keep trying to derive more and better solutions. Typically on test like these there are few  things that can happen with my outcome, if it is boring and the questions seem to be repeated but in a different manner then I become bored and I want to hurry up and answer the questions and be done with it, because I am not really sure how to read the outcome of my score I can’t give an accurate answer based on this test. What I can tell you is yes am a very persistent person when it comes to certain situations, especially if I am intrigued with an idea or it is a job that must be completed, my curiosity is also a positive when it comes to trying to find ways to improve things or make them better. I do have boldness however I also need to come out of my comfort zone with things that I know nothing about when it comes to innovation, especially when it really does not peak my interest, paradox is also a plus for me as I am very good at doing thing simultaneously and I do work well under pressure. I am not sure how using this test will help me but as long as I feel like I can go to someone above me and will not feel dumb for asking a question that may come easy to them, then I can grow as a person. We don’t all process information the same, I try to learn from my mistakes and grow from there in doing so I can take what I have learned onto another project.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Foster children and family resilience Essay

Foster children refer to minors or young people who have been removed from their custodial adults or birth parents by governmental authority. These children are placed under the care of another family either through voluntary placement by a parent of the child or by the relevant governmental authority if the birth parent has failed to provide for the child. Family resilience on the other hand, is the positive capacity of a family to cope with catastrophe and stress. It is also a feature of resistance to future adverse events. In this sense, family resilience goes hand in hand with cumulative protective factors used to counteract risk factors. Naturally risk factors are against positive development of a child coupled with low academic achievement and behavioral or emotional problems. Examples of some of the risk factors are low socioeconomic status, poverty and parent with mental disorder, drug abuse and abusive caretaking among others. McCord, Joan. (1993) reported that resilient family is the one which remain composed despite being exposed to misfortune or stressful events. Some of the characteristics of family resilience include among others:- †¢ A sense of self esteem which enhances coping effectively with challenges. †¢ Active approach toward an obstacle. †¢ Ability to view difficulty as problems that can be overcame, endured or solved altogether. †¢ Being able to know when enough is enough though after being considerably persistent. Problems with generic present-day parent education programs Most of the parent education programs that are developed target only general situations rather than focusing on specific parent characteristics or situations (Elmquist, 1995; Nelson, 1995}. They try to use general approach to solve all problems which limit effectiveness of parent education program. Also, researches undertaken have given conflicting information and differing theories to approach parent education resulting to conflicting advice to parents (Powell, 1990). The few studies that have been undertaken on family programs have not been comprehensive making it hard to generalize about which strategies are effective, for whom and for what outcome (Powell1989; Small, 1990). On the other hand, some social problems such as teen pregnancy, adolescence suicide, and drug abuse that frequently affect parents in the process of bringing up children are difficult to tackle using a generic program because they need specialized program (Medway 1989, Mullis 1999). Changes in lifestyle and family structure add to complexity of issues involved in raising children hence making it difficult to address using generic parent education programs (Mullis, 1999; Powell, 1990). Why might a very structured family environment work with young children, but cause adolescent children to rebel? Between the ages of twelve and nineteen is a period in a teenager’s life that determines what kind of adult he or she will become. This period of adolescence is known as the â€Å"formative years† and they are vulnerable to peer pressure. At this stage they may experience an urge to rebel against the pressures placed on them as youths. Also, they give in to peer pressure because of an overemphasis on the importance of social adjustment, lack of interest or communication on the part of the parents and teachers, and the unrealistic expectations that these entities create. (Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly and Reed Larson,1984) From another point of view, families are always both functional and dysfunctional. What tend to work for a certain group will somehow not always work for another. A structured family is functional for young children but dysfunctional to adolescents (Huber, 1998; Masten 2001) Families with young children are very structured and this contributes to stable and secure context to live within. This same structure contributes to rigidity and rebellious behavior among adolescences. It’s the balance between the two that’s functional and dysfunctional that determines the success of children rearing Strength of the foster care system The foster care system help parents in finding what their talents and strengths are in their role as parents. It also facilitate parents to use their talents and strengths more frequently to minimize stress, improve family communication and engage their children in problem solving. The system designed to assist children and adolescences whose development is negatively affected by issues such as parental neglect, abuse, emotional and behavioral problems (Benedict and White, 1991). It gives increased attention to emotionally disturbed children and adolescences and concentrates mostly on the necessity for alternative interventions to address their needs (Barbell, 1996; Brandenburg, Friedman and Silver, 1990). The system help on ensuring that, children are well catered for in a conducive environment. The system facilitates the recruitment and training of foster parent for they are considered vital partners in ensuring children gain a sense of self-worth and self-confidence. It also cooperates nationally to review the success of the foster care program. It mostly focuses on specifically designed treatment plans that focus on fulfilling the needs of the treatment foster care child (Hawkins, 1989). Purpose of the family resilience project. Family resilience project focuses on increasing successful behavior by using a family own expertise in addressing issues in treatment of foster care families. It allows families to view their behavior as both a dysfunctional and functional and put more emphasis on increasing functional behavior. Also it offers treatment foster care families specialized and individualized training directly geared toward bringing up children residing with them. On the other hand, another project goal includes creating more positive working relationship between treatment foster care family and biological family. It also creates an understanding among the family members hence enhancing an appreciation for being treatment foster care family. The project provides parent education training that is practical and that could be readily applied. Conclusion Family resilient project advocate reacting to child’s behavior immediately as compared to delaying the reaction because it yield more positive results. The foster care child knows the parent are serious when they don’t allow bad behavior to pass It also advocates use of set of rules that are flexible, concentrating more on what has worked. The project advocates the use of skills which include ability to think reflectively and being able to attempt alternative solutions for social problems. References Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly and Reed Larson. Being Adolescent: Conflict and Growth in the Teenage Years. Basic Books, Inc. 1984. New York McCarthy, John D. and Dean R. Hoge. (1984). The dynamics of self-esteem and delinquency. American Journal of Sociology, 2. 396-410. Mullis, F. (1990) Active parenting: An evaluation of two adlerian parent education programs. The journal of individual psychology. McCord, Joan. (1993). Problem Behaviors. Pp. 414-430 in S. Feldman and G. Elliot (Eds. ), At the Threshold: The Developing Adolescent. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press. Rosenberg, Morris, Carmi Schooler,, and Carrie Schoenbach. (1989). Self-esteem and adolescent problems: Modeling reciprocal effects. American Sociological Review, 6. 1004-1018. Scholte, Evert M. (1992). Identification of children at risk at the police station and the prevention of delinquency. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes, 4. 354-369 Powel D. R(1990). Parent education and support programs. Young children 41,47-53.